
Monday, March 10, 2014


Here is our group for scrapbook this year! We've had a blast working on it!! We have all spent several Saturdays at Robin's house for over 6-7 hours each time! It was a lot of work but our scrapbook is almost ready for convention! We just have to put the finishing touches on it :)

The Fab Five

Sorry for the lack of posting lately.
We had a really great group scrapbook group this year. I just want to take a minute to tell you about how much I love and appreciate these 4. ♥

L to R: Robin, Abigail, Mahayla, Heidi, and me
These 4 are my best friends in the entire world and I couldn't be any more thankful for them. We have all grown super super close while working on our scrapbook and we just keep getting closer. We have a bond like no other. ♥ I'm glad to call them my best friends but more importantly, my sisters in Christ. LOVE Y'ALL TO PIECES!! ♥♥♥